Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New buys, new ideas.

I recently got another dress off ebay and two more just came in the mail. I've been way too sick to take photos today thanks to some sinus trouble but I'm hoping to get some good photos of my dresses soon.

I admit, when I made this blog, it was to brag and ramble about my nifty vintage dresses in because while my family and friends listen, I know it's a bit dull to them. However, after some thought, instead of having some lame-o bragging blog about clothes, I've decided to run with it in a slightly different direction...a blog about how I wear them in a slightly more modern manner. Given, it's a challenge to find vintage dresses that fit because I'm the average sized American woman [or a little bigger, I won't google to find out for sure, I don't think I want to know] but it can be tricky to wear these jems without looking a smidge too costumey. Given, I love Gunne Sax dresses, adding a sweater and/or a belt can make it less like I'm just wearing a vintage dress. Let's face it, as much as vintage clothes rock, they can also be a bit too much like a costume rather than a beautiful dress or outfit.

So, if you read this, let me know what you think. Should I show more of how I'd wear it? Just photos fo what I find? Would you be interested in a few dress selling posts? I've got some cute vintage dresses that are a bit too small that I'm hoping to post for sale sometime, as well.

Friday, September 24, 2010

That awkward first post.

Yes, this is my awkward first post.

I'm not sure what all to tell you about me so I'll list some random basics:

*Starting with a bit of the obvious, I love vintage clothes. The tricky bit is finding ones that fit me.
*I collect all sorts of random vintage stuff like Kenner Blythe dolls.
*Costumes and costuming are also something I adore. If I could be a costume designer, I'd love it.
*I'm in my last year of college, soon to hopefully graduate and transfer.
*In addition to being a bit curvy, I'm also short. 5' 2" or thereabouts. A double whammy of difficult to find the right fit in clothing, I've found.
*I live in a more rural area and you'll likely see my photos reflect that.
*That said, I also go to school in the city, so some of my photos might reflect that, too.
*I love to sew but I'm still relatively new to it. 
*I haven't a clue what to say about myself and don't want to sound like a dating website profile or something. So, feel free to ask. Typing up these 'about me' or initial posts always feels a bit awkward.